Hello, I am a fifth-year PhD student in Computer Science (minor in Communication Arts) at UW-Madison advised by Professor Bilge Mutlu. I am a member of People and Robots Laboratory researching on human robot interaction and accessibility. My research focus is designing and building telepresence technologlies to create meaningful experiences in remote spaces.
I started my research journey on human robot interaction during my time at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where I pursued M.Sc. in Computational Design and had the fortune to have Professor Henny Admoni as my advisor. Before that, I received B.Sc. in Computer Science and minor in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). My undergraduate thesis was the starting point for my journey in HCI, where I had lots of fun turning a CS thesis into interactive art installations, and I'm very thankful for the openness and advice from Professor Wong Tien-Tsin. Currently I live in Madison. In my spare time, I like bouldering, biking around Lake Monona, and watching sunset at Lake Mendota.
If you are interested in knowing more about my work, please contact me at yaxin.hu@wisc.edu.